

FRANCE | 2024

Although the taboo of sexual violence has been broken in our society, we still talk too little about its medium- and long-term psychological and physical consequences. Yet many of us live with it, tinkering with our bodies, our emotions and our life paths.

This podcast was born out of that need, because we know: sharing our repair journeys is the best resource of all.

There are no miracle recipes for recovering from sexual violence. But infinite trajectories and strategies. Microphone in hand, we set out to meet other people concerned, to understand. What has this violence done to us? How do you live with scars? We wanted to share some answers with those who might need them. This podcast puts the abused at the center. We are the experts in our own lives.

Because stories need to intersect, because it’s anything but a personal story, this series goes to meet a dozen people with different backgrounds and identities. Their voices, interwoven with ours, tell of winding, difficult and beautiful paths, from reunion with their bodies to political and collective awareness.

We know we can’t say everything about it. But we want this podcast to be used as a tool of support, for ourselves and for others. It’s the podcast we wish we’d heard when we were in the doldrums. Because we’re all concerned, it tackles the issue as a public health issue, and constantly links the intimate with the political. The people we met are agents of change. We came away transformed by these interviews, and we hope our listeners will be too.


Episode 1: Rape steals our bodies
With Noémie, Léo, Sabrina, Fatima Le Griguer-Atig – clinical psychologist and head of Sevran’s Unité Spécialisée dans l’Accompagnement du Psychotraumatisme – and choreographer Emmanuelle Rigaud and her dancers.

Episode 2: Why didn’t you say it before?
With participants in an discussion circle En Parler, Soraya De Moura Freire – clinical psychologist – and Sehlyn.

Episode 3: Our stories are banal
With Léo, Noémie and Sabrina, the CLAF’outils association and high school students from Seine-Saint-Denis.

Episode 4: What does us justice
With Vincent and Léo.

Episode 5: Overcoming collective amnesia
With Imani and Ophélie at FIT LAO Power, Noémie and Julie.

A documentary series by Alice Lefilleul and Malika Beloucif
Music by Aurélia Nardini
Mixing by Martin Delafosse
Illustration by Maëlle Neat


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