What’s happening?
What happened to us over the last 12 months, what words do we have to express it? In Chambéry, Nantes, Bobigny, or more specifically, in the Blé d’or nursing home (Chambéry), the Bottière community center (Nantes), and the acting class at the MC93 (Bobigny), Aurélie Charon, Alexandre Plank and Patrick Boucheron pass a microphone around to collect the answers of the people they meet. Mohamed, Clotilde, Odette, Gaston, Rim, Robespierre, and Sami. They share with us what it feels like to be stuck in a room, to do the splits, they talk about freedom and the wind blowing through the leaves. We hear their wisdom, their anger, an old-time juke-box and many birds chirping.